Blue Pie productions and Edega entertainment are thrilled to bring you a premium source for all things Afrobeat, Afrogroove, and Afrodance! The African Dance Time series are a group of compilations on all major retailers including Spotify, and are the perfect funky collection to kick your heels up to! With a variety of musical styles straight out of Africa perfect for dancing, we have some classics from 2shotz, 9ice, Antilop, Legendary Beatz, Simi, and many many others!
The entire catalogue is massively extensive, and not all of it is uploaded, but there’s certainly enough here to have a good time! Enough for any party or festive dancey occasion… and finding it is as simple as searching for “African Dance Time” on Spotify and all other retailers! If you needed a few more examples, we have you covered.
And just as a bonus, here’s a single from 9ice, who is featured a whole bunch on many of the ADT album compilations- for good reason, check this out!
Enjoy the awesome experience of dancing and partying to these amazing beats and grooves, and keep an eye on the retailers for more! They may come soon, and the legends of parties inspired by these excellent tunes will live on in history forevermore…