The World Is Yours Label presents ” Hip Hop Back to Basics “. This hot new compilation features some of the best new and rising stars from the USA on one easy to download album out now at all leading retailers on the planet. The album features: Prodigal Son, Miss Vee, Anxious, Donnie Dizzle, Sky Pirate, Pryncez Dyce and many others. The compilation was compiled and edited by Stephanie Garcia and gives you one solid power packed punch of Hip Hop old Skool Style the way it used to be with no frills and no highly compressed production pop.
This is new by todays standard. Something old becomes something new again. You can discover what is really happening on the streets by giving this album a solid listen and let the poetry of some of these impressive youung and vibrant MC’s who tell their story with such passion and conviction that only the youth can do.
The World Is Yours Label is distributed by Blue Pie for the world. Check it out now and click here to download this great compilation on iTunes !
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