Reality Entertainment and Blue Pie get the Film Distribution love flowing to the max with Reality Entertainment expanding their catalogue of films by another 80+ titles for the Blue Pie team to distribute, syndicate and seek out commercial license opportunities. We are truly honoured to be working with this great company and look forward to more success with all the new titles.
All of the new titles will be available for syndication via Blue Pie Productions new Film and Video distribution, syndication and license platform. With over 1000 titles now under management and the catalogue constantly expanding there is something there for everyone. Reality Entertainment have been with Blue Pie for over 5 years now and we would like to send a huge note of thanks to Warren Croyle and the team at Reality for all the faith and trust that they have in the global Blue Pie team.
We love this label and their killer metal acts and the amazing films that their entertainment division pumps out. With titles that are on the best seller lists for Amazon, iTunes and other leading retailers you will be bound to hear more about this leader with Blue Pie now pushing the global catalogue to new and far reaching markets from India to Germany.
Check out what Reality is all about by visiting their website at