On April 9, 2009, the Blue Pie team created our very own Youtube channel. We’ve maintained it for all these years, uploading everything from interviews to shoutouts to song covers to crazy Tik Toks to music and lyric videos, getting our artists further into cyberspace in a visual way. Following this, we made channels for our other networks and artists, including DJ Central’s channel, and kept ploughing away… and now, we reap the rewards.
8.15K subscribers. 3,871,956 views. 4,528Â days. 12 and a bit YEARS. That’s how long we’ve been at this, and this is what we have to show for it! We’re proud of all our team and our artists for carrying the channel and our other networks this far… and if you wanted to check it out and keep the snowball rolling, then by all means, click away: www.youtube.com/c/BluePieRecords
In celebration, let’s have a look at the top three most viewed videos on our channel at the time of writing!
Featured is a treasure that was nearly lost – Bon Scott‘s Round And Round And Round, digitally restored and ready to take you straight back to the good ol rocker days! From this came AC/DC. History, folks! Then, we have Country Hard, a bangin’ hit from Eedris Abdulkareem, showing off his signature style of mixing political messages with catchy flow. Finally, we have Kendra Cozy‘s cover of DL Down3r‘s Suga Boom Boom, taking a feminine perspective on the old war song. It’s fun that we’ve written stories on all three in the past, isn’t it? These performers are all certainly popular! Click on their names to check them all out in detail!
We’re very pleased to have gotten this far with our roster of artists, our collection of interviews, and our menagerie of other content on this and our other channels. Today we celebrate the success of the Blue Pie Records youtube channel – so, with optimism fueling us, we’ll see you all at 9K!