100% Home-Grown is 107.1’s one-stop show for excellent indie Aussie hits. For the past six sessions that host Lea has been on the air, our MCs Mighty and Pyrite have been guests on her show, helping sponsor it and sharing our music catalogues, getting both our library and Lea’s onto the air! The 8th of April was the last time DJ Central and Blue Pie are set to feature for some time, and just like the other sessions, it was a blast and a privilege.
Featuring from 6PM til 7PM, Mighty and Pyrite helped Lea make Thursday evening special once again, and even gave Key Loch’s new cover of Madonna’s “Frozen” a proper radio debut!
It was a pleasure to be on the show for this final trip, hosting before a live performance later in the evening, and assisting Lea. We’re very thankful we’ve been given this awesome opportunity to get these artists out there across the Southern Highlands one last time. Take a look at the sort of talent we showcased this week!
But the music isn’t the only reason Mighty and Pyrite have been featured so many times now. They’re actually being trained so they can run their own show! Lea has very kindly worked with the MCs and treated their cameos as teaching opportunities, and Adam, the big boss at Highland FM, has also given the boys a hand and helped them get adjusted to how the world of radio works. This is the first time the two MCs have stepped into the radio world proper, and with guidance from excellent folks like these, the show they’re working on is bound to be sweet! So the boys saying goodbye is only for now… soon they’ll have their own show and be able to bring you the best that Blue Pie and DJ Central has to offer every airing! Thanks for the tutorials and cameos Adam and Lea, and we’re looking forward to the future! Blue Pie and DJ Central loved their time on 100% Home-Grown and we’re all looking forward to what Pyrite and Mighty do with the essential DJ Central and Blue Pie in the Sky on Highland FM!
If you want to see what else is on store at this excellent radio station, we have you covered – the schedule is easy to navigate! And if you need something else to scratch your itch after you’re done with 100% home grown, well… stay tuned on the Blue Pie show. We’ll keep you updated on the whens and wheres, we promise. It’s just around the corner, and proper preparation is beginning this week! Get hype!
And of course, the website is here to fill you in on every detail you could ever want!
Remember, Southern Highlands – the radio hosts at 107.1 are all VOLUNTEERS, WORKING FOR THE LOVE OF MUSIC! Bump this station loud and support the magnificent work they do out of the passion in their hearts! That’s why the radio waves in the Highland FM logo form a heart… because that’s what everyone involved with these projects puts into them every single day! We’re proud to sponsor this excellent service, and we’re honoured to have been featured so frequently before our own show has even been established. It’s almost here, and we’ll blast it from the rooftops once it is! Keep your ears open. The world of the Southern Highlands is about to be rocked to the core!