Hailing from New York City, Jessy Tomsko has a love for music that transcends the simple pop tunes that plague much of today’s music scene. With her heartfelt lyrics and self-penned melodies, Jessy celebrates life and love in her acoustic renditions brought to life on the many stages of New York City.
Jessy’s love for music stretches back to early childhood where she became enamoured with writing short poems and stories, and shortly began to add music to the equation by composing little piano pieces. These early ventures into music cumulated in picking up the guitar in her late teens, and deciding then and there that she wanted to focus on music and pursue a career of her own. After some time spent earning a degree in classical singing, Jessy returned to writing music, reigning in her creative capabilities and challenging herself as a singer-song writer.
In 2010, Jessy worked closely with Greg Fisher of Evolving Sound Studios on her debut, full-length album, “The Light You Make”. The album invites the listener to take part in Jessy’s honest and unguarded musical interpretation of life’s virtues and melancholies. The soft, lilting melodies featured on the record showcases her vocal skills, finessed with years of classical training.
Jessy’s work is infused with a lightness and warmth that is equally embodied in her live performances. Maintaining a busy performance schedule, Jessy has played at venues such as The Bitter End in New York City and the World Café Live in Philadelphia, and major events as the Wave Gathering Music Festival in Asbury Park, New Jersey and the Launch Music Conference in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She’s also had the honour of sharing the stage with artists such as David Berkeley, James Maddock, John Francis, Amber Rubarth and Ari Hest among many others.
“Little Reverie”, a three track EP, was released in January 2011. Jessy continued to evoke emotionally charged responses from her listeners with acoustic tracks delivered with sweet and simple vocals. Her stripped down and honest delivery magnified the intimacy she strives to achieve with her audience.
Jessy continues to grow as an artist, garnering new skills from each musical experience and being inspired by artists such as Joni Mitchell, Ani Difranco and Ingrid Michaelson. These experiences can be seen in her new full-length album, “Join the Circus”, to be released this year.
Known for her well-crafted songs and dynamic stage personality, Jessy’s easy-going personality and warm vocals permeate her music and continues to do so with her latest single, “Come Get Me”. As a member of ASCAP, she has teamed up with Concerthouse Music Management and Blue Pie Records in 2011 to further develop her music.
Jessy has a New York tour coming up too, so it’s the perfect time to discover this artist if you don’t know her already! Definitely a name to know in the music business, Jessy is a friendly, bubbly entertainer with a passionate song in her heart. So we wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to check out her Facebook Page to check out where that passion will lead her next! Her website is also just waiting for potential new fans to explore and discover it! But sometimes discovering something (especially something like music) has to be done in a more hands-on fashion. Luckily we have that avenue covered for you too, and know just what track of hers to showcase for any newcomers to her musical aesthetic! The track name says it all, in that regard. COME GET ME!
And if you need more than just a single, check out this album from her, “The Light You Make”!
Yes, Jessy is definitely a diamond in the rough. Like any good thing that isn’t exhaustively mainstream, her work is like that of a tranquil oasis, untouched by human hands, situated directly in the heart of a concrete jungle. We invite you into that special experience. There’s nothing else quite like it.
Check out Jessy’s social media and website!
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/jessytomsko
WEBSITE: www.jessytomsko.com/band.php
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/jessytomsko