blue pie news

Jude Ugbaja joins the Blue Pie Business Development Team
25 Jun 2010

Sydney  24TH June 2010 Effective Immediately Jude Ugbaja joins the Blue Pie Business Development Team. Blue Pie expands the business development team into Africa. We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Jude C. Ugbaja to the Blue Pie Business Development Team – Africa. Jude has been working on and off with Blue Pie for over 4 years now and has now opened up his own record label in African + management business. Jude has had huge success in various industries in Nigeria & Ghana and is a passionate business man who has many well known business partners including; The Governor of PMAN, Mr. Casmir Okwudili Obi AKA “voombastic” who is also an artist, Mr. Femi Olubaji AKA “femzy” (Artist and award winning Producer) and Mr. Godwin Sylvernus Akpan (Music producer, Artist, Multimedia developer, IT Consultant/System Integration). Blue Pie are are honoured and excited that Jude Ugbaja has joined the business development team and we cant wait to get involved with some of his fantastically talented African artists, many of whom are so deserving of reaching new markets and the hope of a better life through their music. For more information you can check out the press release section and the team profiles for the Blue Pie Europe Team.

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