The popularity of DJ Central’s new show has been rapidly growing over the past 60 days. Foxtel viewers have tripled as the show continues to gain main stream attention on all the Free 2 Air networks. The show is increasing viewers each week due to the content programing and the feature segments on the hottest events and clubs that get showcased each week cut with hot new and emerging dance, house, club music as well and DJ sets from artists like “ DJ Diamond “ and “ Tiesto”.
Up to 100,000 viewers now tune in each week to get all the new clips and news from DJ Central on Friday nights on FOXTEL’s Channel 183 on the Aurora Network. The program is now broadcast three times a week on the Aurora Network due to the growing recognition and positive responses to the show.
Social Media fanatics across the globe have been logging in for the latest news on festivals, artists and gossip within the dance and house music culture! Join the conversation through our Social Media pages including, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, WordPress and more!
For more information on DJ Central, be sure to check out the Official Website!