Now this is welcome news, Down3r fans! Until now, we’ve been checking the Blue Pie Tours and the Down3r gigs section on his website for news on his tours. But now there’s a third option! Down3r is on BandsInTown!
BandsInTown is here to help take the guesswork out of following your favourite artists. Instead of combing Down3r’s multiple social media pages, you can now join the BandsInTown network to stay up to date, get notifications, and track the performances of any artists you really want to see! And now, that includes Mr. Suga Boom Boom himself – DL Down3r. Now you can follow his BandsInTown profile and get notified about every event, and every change to his tours, that you might need to know! As a matter of fact, Down3r has a tour coming up in December, and rumour has it that if you click here, you could find out about winning tickets to said event… So why not check out the tours coming up on BandsInTown! Â
Or, you could play it safe. Not the gambling type? That’s fine too. If you want to just pay your entry and guarantee your attendance of the 6th Annual Jingle Jam tour, check out the BandsInTown profile for Down3r to see all the details for the event! That includes buying tickets outright, or winning them…
But in case you’ve been living under a rock, you might be wondering who DL is and why you should check out any of his tours at all? Perhaps wondering why you should sign up for BandsInTown to follow this mysterious artist? Wonder no further- consider this a tutorial in supreme hip hop!
We’re sure that you’ll fall in love with this song as soon as you put it on. It’s his most popular viral hit for a reason! Bump Suga Boom Boom with pride and get lost in its catchiness!
There’s a reason that DL’s music has qualified for a movie placement- they have true quality.
Check out DL Down3r at the following official links:
And check out DL’s cover of River!