The documentary film “A World of Difference” has achieved a significant milestone by advancing to the finals in the Best Documentary category at the ARFF International Film Festival in Barcelona. This recognition underscores the film’s ability to resonate with audiences worldwide, captivating viewers with its portrayal of human experiences and the stunning landscapes of Australia.
The film’s success extends beyond the ARFF International Film Festival, as it was also selected as a finalist in ARFF Berlin and is now in contention for recognition at ARFF Barcelona.
As “A World of Difference” continues to garner acclaim on the festival circuit, it serves as a testament to the power of filmmaking to inspire change and foster understanding on a global scale.
View the film on your favourite platform here:
You can check out the film and what the fuss is all about at the following official links:
The World of Difference film is distributed exclusively for the world by Planet Blue Pictures USA.
You can watch the film on Apple TV on demand. Click here:
Watch the trailer on VIMEO here:
Check out the films Sound Track on Spotify: