Blue Pie Productions is delighted to announce that “A World of Difference,” a captivating travel documentary featuring Blue Pie Record’s artist, Sam Pollard, has been chosen for the Travel Documentary Feature category at the esteemed TRAVEL FILM International Film Festival in Russia.
The TRAVEL FILM International Film Festival is known for curating the best travel films worldwide, showcasing talents from both professionals and enthusiasts. The festival aims to bring these compelling travel stories to the Russian-speaking audience.
The festival exclusively features films revolving around the theme of travel, whether contemporary explorations or historical journeys. Films where travel is a crucial element of the storyline are welcomed. These will be showcased on the big screen during the grand final ceremony on February 24-25, 2024, in Moscow, Russia. Filmmakers will have the opportunity to compete for the coveted title of ‘Best Travel Film’ and vie for prizes in various standalone nominations.”
“A World of Difference” takes viewers on a mesmerizing journey through diverse landscapes perfectly complemented by the soulful music of Sam Pollard, a talented musician signed with Blue Pie Productions. The film promises to resonate with audiences who share a passion for exploration and bicycles.
Blue Pie Productions invites everyone to join them in celebrating the inclusion of “A World of Difference” in the TRAVEL FILM International Film Festival. This recognition not only highlights the exceptional Australian territory and cinematography of the film but also underscores the universal appeal of travel as a source of inspiration and connection.
For more information about “A World of Difference” and Blue Pie Productions, please visit: