Each month, This Is Lizzard will be dedicating “Won’t Give Up” to an inspiring, empowering organization or person who teaches us to never give up, no matter what. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and This Is Lizzard are going pink to show their support. They are dedicating their song “Won’t Give Up” to those who are fighting this battle.
“Here’s to you, whether you are going through chemotherapy or nurturing a loved-one or searching for a cure. Here’s to you for never giving up.” – This Is Lizzard
Download “Won’t Give Up” for FREE, HERE!
There is an option to leave a tip and all tips received on NoiseTrade for the month of October will be donated to the Breast Cancer Awareness Fund. So go ahead, download a great song and contribute whatever you can to this great cause.
There are still two more weeks to vote for This Is Lizzard as best songwriter for the TIR Award!
Each ‘like’ on Facebook or ‘tweet’ on Twitter counts as one vote! It would mean the world to This Is Lizzard to win this prestigious award, so help them out! The contest closes October 15th.
Roland has begun working on the new acoustic EP, which will be released on Blue Pie Records just in time for Christmas 2011! You’ll get to see a sneak preview, for fans only, in just a few weeks.
To find out more about This Is Lizzard go HERE!