In March of 2019, our artist sixeightw0lf decided to selflessly donate money to Aspect! Feeling the love from this philanthropy, we at Blue Pie and DJ Central decided to contribute as well. The story repeated itself in August 2019, and sixeightw0lf once again lead the charge. We couldn’t say no that time either. Blue Pie, DJ Central, and sixeightw0lf himself all chipped in once again to try and help out. And now, inspired by the efforts of sixeightw0lf selflessly giving his royalties to charity, we’ve decided to keep the torch going ourselves! We’re starting January 2020 off right by continuing this tradition – Blue Pie and DJ Central are donating once more. And once again, the response they gave warmed our hearts!
As Aspect themselves say, “Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) is an Australian not-for-profit provider of services and supports working with people on the autism spectrum and their families. From diagnosis and assessments, early intervention and therapies, to specialised schooling, social groups and employment mentoring; Aspect provides advice and support for the whole family throughout the life stages, from the early years to adulthood.” That quote was sourced from their website, which you can check out for yourself by clicking here.
Damien of Blue Pie is proud to have donated to such a noble cause, and all the Blue Pie and DJC staff would like to extend their thanks and applause to sixeightw0lf for thinking of it first – we’re sure he’s proud of us carrying the torch. The man can produce some bangers that amass thousands of plays on Soundcloud and Spotify, but it’s good to know he can produce compassion of this level as well. We’d like to do our best to follow his example.
If you’d like to know more about sixeightw0lf check out his Soundcloud or have a listen to his latest Spotify hits below, In My Mind and Can’t Get Over You!