The Makeover is a 2009 movie written and directed by Colm O’Murchu (Dealing with Destiny), produced and distributed by Planet Blue Pictures US and starring Martin Dingle Wall, best known as Flynn Saunders in Home and Away, Lara Cox and Jeff Gannon.
This comedy and romance movie is about a socially challenged man Rodger Keaton. Rodger is a typical white computer nerd and desperate for love. Patricia Bartlett is a ruthless award-winning journalist who has found her man. Brad Holloway is Hollywood’s makeover Guru, but he is facing huge obstacles and is blackmailed by the threat of bad publicity. There is only one solution for Brad- a “mission impossible” makeover, and he must prove with substantial results that his Ultimate Makeover Services are the ‘Real Deal’. He must completely change Rodger. For the next 6 weeks, they are going to leave their comfort zones on a journey that is foreign even to Brad.
However, with his short deadline can Brad manage to create a true change? Is it even possible? Join Rodger and Brad on this roller coaster of fear, anxiety, disaster, celebration, discovery, reinvention and hope, with hilarious and heartwarming results at every turn.
Enjoy this movie, now on Amazon Prime for the UK and USA.
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