Altered States take inspiration from artists such as Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Tool, The Mars Volta and Led Zeppelin. Combining their diverse musical tastes, celestial ideals, and love...more
Chloë Chadwick grew up in Staffordshire, but for the past few years has called the North East home, so much so that she's been dubbed “The Northern...more
Ian Miller (16.06.1951 - 14.05.2009) started playing guitar in 1964, and was a seasoned performer, producer, music publisher and educator. Ian's books have been published in Australia,...more
Blue Pie is very happy to tell you the story of Nelly Levon and her Devyl Nellys. The story began early in childhood… Somewhere between the Legwarming,...more
Singer and composer Pablo Sciepura aka Paul LeRocq was born on march 11th 1978 in Quilmes, city of “Quilmes Rock Festival”. He is a southpaw (left-handed) guitarist...more