A new lineup featuring Dino Jag has surfaced! The Song Men are "three singers who have each carved out an immersive career in song and stage", and they're having their first show as a group together in South Australia in... more
A new year, and Dave Evans is drawing in thousands of Latin American fans - what else is new? He's already signed up to tour across several MORE parts of Latin America, showing the world that the 50 year anniversary... more
We have a fresh new poster from Suzanna Lubrano's Instagram that is sure to please her fans the world over! It's been a few months since we reported on the last in-person event Suzanna attended, so to hear that there's... more
Baby it's cold outside! Y'all remember the Jingle Jam? It's become quite the anticipated event as the years have gone on, and now that the pandemic has receded a fair bit, we're very excited to announce Jingle Jam 9! DL and... more
TOMORROW! Black Dawn will be taking New York and New Jersey on Blackened Wings with their last three shows for the year, kicking things off at Stereo Garden in New York, Friday October 21st! Check it out. Not only Black... more
You may have seen this poster a while back in one of our previous tours and in our social media posts... well, much to our disappointment, we have to announce that this show is cancelled: Sorry to all Cali fans... more
The Sold My Soul To Rock And Roll Tour is still ongoing! Dave Evans is thoroughly proving himself as the hardest working man in Oz Rock today, given all the crazy extended trips around the world that he's been doing... more
Dino Jag is in Adelaide, and he's ready for this weekend! He's preparing to open up with a special stripped back set for the mighty John Swan, this Saturday 30th July at the Arkaba Hotel. Get there early if you... more
Uno Tha Prodigy has given us some brilliant news for what him and the Suga Boom Boom crew are planning! The details are right here for you, and it's gonna be big! This August! The 26th, out at Lancaster, Pillsbury... more
All of you down in Houston, were you lucky enough to catch this show? If so, we're jealous! A July show with Raz B of B2K sounds like a dream come true, so it'd be a shame if you missed... more