Blue Pie Records New Releases

  Echoes of African Nations serries is out now and being licensed to over 100 airports around the world thanks to the Blue Pie license... more [ + ]


  Michael Horsphol digs deep into the never never lands and delivers "Dream Scapes VOL 1 & 2". Download what can only be described as... more [ + ]


  DJ Trance takes a new mix to some of the worlds biggest names. Check out DJ Trances new album on iTunes "Mixed and Loaded... more [ + ]


  DJ Trance goes digital. We are very pleased to announce that one of the USA's biggest names in the trance, dance scenes is out... more [ + ]


  Mick Swagg gets down to the next level and brings us his new hit " Soul Figure ". This track is kicking it up... more [ + ]


  Ray Vanderby digs up the "Comic Nomads" and gets them the love they need from Blue Pie. After years of not being paid by... more [ + ]


  The Devyl Nelly's new EP is out now. Check out the DN's new killer EP "Airport ". This has a number of the music... more [ + ]


  The Road House Rebels get some life on iTunes. This is a classic album with some simply awesome blues playing from some of Australia's... more [ + ]


Pete Wells gets some iTunes love to flow with his "Meaning of Life" album. This album has been digitally remastered and is out now on... more [ + ]


Barry Crocker and Dave Clark come to life again. It was the very early 60's and Barry and Dave Clark got together to record what... more [ + ]

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