Blue Pie Records New Releases

There are three words to describe this massive new album from D-Dollar (aka Donnell Sanders). Original, fresh and raw. The combination of D-Dollar’s talent for... more [ + ]


Kincart’s signature beats have been reborn on their new album “Last Operation Out”. You can’t help but nod your head to these infamous lyrics as... more [ + ]


This new single by Janice Marie will literally make you fall in love with her. “I Love You”, is by far one of the ultimate... more [ + ]

Sit back relax and enjoy. “Cinematic Soundscapes Vol 8” will take you on a journey through a musical wonderland. With a diverse range of melodies,... more [ + ]


  7 Horses are feeling very brave and have entered the "Brave New World"! "Brave new World" combines the best of Patti Smith with a touch of Bjork...... more [ + ]


*MYSELF* has released an electrifying new Punk Floyd UK Remix EP! Remixing the rock'n'roll flavours that he already has got going, this EP will blow... more [ + ]


It's all about the funk when it comes to Funky P and his brand new album "Get The Funk" which is live on iTunes RIGHT... more [ + ]


Astronaut 7 takes of in his space capsule to tell the world that " September " is a great month. Download this new collaboration that Astronaut... more [ + ]


Castro delivers his debut album to the world. With a great feeling and passion for music that has carried him to this place Castro delivers... more [ + ]


Bleek hit the ground running with their break through single "This Intoxication". This is a super cool track that has a major radio and media... more [ + ]

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