Blue Pie Records New Releases

You know it's gonna be a good hardcore rap song when it starts with an intense bass and beat, then transitions immediately into an awesome... more [ + ]

Can you feel that? That freeform excitement in your soul, driving you to zone out or to get up and dance? That's the power of... more [ + ]

Check your Spotify! Check your iTunes! Check every major musical retailer that you can count! The drums are beating, the ground is shaking, and passionate... more [ + ]

You hear that? That pulsing rhythm in your soul? That sound that just urges you to get up and dance?! That's the effect that Sean... more [ + ]

To continue our African theme of the last few new releases (which can be found here and here) here's the popular Afrobeatz albums! These are... more [ + ]

Can't get enough of our stockpile of Afrobeat, Afropop, Afrogroove, and other African music? Was last time not enough? Well, we might just have a... more [ + ]

Blue Pie productions and Edega entertainment are thrilled to bring  you a premium source for all things Afrobeat, Afrogroove, and Afrodance! The African Dance Time... more [ + ]

Bigg Cixx, Young Lama, and Spezloaks... sounds like a match made in heaven. And it just might be, since they've brought Heaven On Earth to... more [ + ]

Bigg Cixx is just a hustler- he's an honest man trying to get his music out there to the world, and so far the world... more [ + ]

The young star from Real Touch Records has brought Joy to Blue Pie Records, and hopefully he can bring it to you too! "Joy" is... more [ + ]

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