Blue Pie Records New Releases

Stop. Slow down. We know this world is busy, it's stressful, it never stops moving. So why should you? Well, if you don't, you'll never... more [ + ]

You know it's gonna be a good hardcore rap song when it starts with an intense bass and beat, then transitions immediately into an awesome... more [ + ]

Can you feel that? That freeform excitement in your soul, driving you to zone out or to get up and dance? That's the power of... more [ + ]

Check your Spotify! Check your iTunes! Check every major musical retailer that you can count! The drums are beating, the ground is shaking, and passionate... more [ + ]

You hear that? That pulsing rhythm in your soul? That sound that just urges you to get up and dance?! That's the effect that Sean... more [ + ]

To continue our African theme of the last few new releases (which can be found here and here) here's the popular Afrobeatz albums! These are... more [ + ]

Can't get enough of our stockpile of Afrobeat, Afropop, Afrogroove, and other African music? Was last time not enough? Well, we might just have a... more [ + ]

Blue Pie productions and Edega entertainment are thrilled to bring  you a premium source for all things Afrobeat, Afrogroove, and Afrodance! The African Dance Time... more [ + ]

Bigg Cixx, Young Lama, and Spezloaks... sounds like a match made in heaven. And it just might be, since they've brought Heaven On Earth to... more [ + ]

Bigg Cixx is just a hustler- he's an honest man trying to get his music out there to the world, and so far the world... more [ + ]

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