blue pie news

Our Johnny has killed it again! The ultimate rock website, ‘Uber Rock’, has given a rave performance for Johnny’s side project, ‘The Gutter Report’. The reviewer, Jamie Richards, praised Johnny’s musical talent, stating “It’s ab...

A reminder to our fellow ‘blues’ music fans that Jack Derwin will be returning to Sydney to launch his new album, “All Covered In Blue”, at the Camelot Lounge on Sunday, 30th June. Over 100 guests are already attending, so there’s limi...

Johnny Bennett’s latest video “World on Fire” has been banned from the popular British online music and video site, Within 24 hours of the video’s release, the number of views hit the 7000 mark before it was blocked by the s...

Blue Pie welcomes a new and feisty addition, Tamara Bubble, to the label! Don’t let the name fool you. The talented Ms Bubble creates music that defies ‘genre’ with her sassy musical combination of Pop, R&B, Soul, Hip Hop and Jazz, ...

American bassist, Dave Sharp, gave an exceptional performance alongside the band, ‘Secret Seven’ at the Kerrytown Concert House earlier this month. While Sharp worked the Double Bass, Dan Bennett nailed the saxophone along with John Churc...

Canadian Folk musician, Scott MacLeod has generously spent his time and talent performing at Alberta in Canada to help raise money for a local fundraising event. The local fundraiser, Give A Kid A Lift Program, involved a great line-up of local...

Australian train wreck rock band, ‘I Am Duckeye’, is taking on the east Australian coast for the launch of their new album “Husband”. The band will begin their tour on their own home turf in Melbourne, Victoria followed by a few gigs ...

We are very pleased to announce a new partnership with the streaming VOD and MOD platform " ARENA". For those of you that do not know MOD = Movie on Demond and VOD = Video on Demand. This great streaming platform now has Dealing With Destiny, Th...

Burning the Day have landed in the UK and have kicked off their European Tour. Remember to check out their website here for all the latest news The band are tweeting updates daily ...

Suzanna Lubrano’s hit track ‘Loving You Forever’ has lapped up consistent attention since being released in 2012. Recently DJ Central selected the song to be the show’s theme for the next 3 years. The song seems to have gathered its own ...

Jack Derwin will be gracing our Sydney stages once again for his ‘Covered All In Blue’ album launch. The album debuted at No 2 in January, and has remained amongst the top 5 most played albums the past 3 months on the Australian Blues &am...

  Our very own Blue Pie artist, Mr.Funky, attended the first round of ‘The Voice – Germany,’ auditions.  The off-screen auditions consisted of a Universal Music A&R, TV Rep & a professional vocal coach. Mr.Funky made it thro...

Our very own Jack Derwin has been smashing the Australian charts! Last month, his album ‘Covered All In Blue’ ranked an impressive number.3. on the Blues & Roots Charts, sitting...

In 2011 Mr. Funky released the song ‘Your Love Is’ with Z-Records. After all his hard work, he is finally being recognized for the talented musician he is! As of 19th March, the video clip reached 2.34 Million views on YouTube. As if that...

Sibling’s Sarah, Lachlan & Molly we’re brought up influenced by country music greats such as Kasey Chambers, Felicity Urqhart & Patsy Cline. It didn’t take long for them to realize that they too could entertain the way these artist...

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