blue pie news

The Naked Truth band has been named an honoree of

He's done it again! Earlier this year in March, our artist sixeightw0lf decided to

Password is joining the Blue Pie and DJ Central rosters! A seasoned professional in the music industry with a string of hit singles, Password is going from strength to strength as a true artist. Born in Cross River, Nigeria, Password got widespr...

Edmund Cotter has been working with the D...

It was the month of August that heralded what Down3r fans worldwide have been waiting for- a new Down3r album. The words of the man himself have...

Read 'em and weep, everyone! Suga Boom Boom has always been the flagship of Down3r's popularity and musical style, but whe...

Take a gander at that beautiful sight! It's a dream come true-

We of Blue Pie Records are honoured to announce the latest page on our site- the In Memoriam page. Recently after the 10 year anniversary of

Hey everybody! It's me,

(Original article and source of above picture) July 17, 2009. A significant...

You remember back when we talked about the music video for Danny Vash's "Hard Life"? The same guy who

Do you feel that bass building? The excitement crackling in the air as the drums kick in? The increase in speed and adrenaline as you find yourself nodding ...

Who's the latest rapper with 8K subs on the block? It's DL Down3r! It may not be as monumental as the 11K likes on the

Meet African China!
06 Jul 2019

The name African China stands for: African Children Have Ideas Natural for African. A sincere nod to the earnest point of view of a child, a raw, natural kind of wisdom that may just be the key to our futures. And this brand of sentiment echoes ...

Something incredible comes to us from past the stars, originating from planet Thaldor! It isn't Shantel from planet Paprika, it isn't a sweet transvestite from transexual Transylvania, it isn't even a mean green mother from outer space-  it's t...

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