blue pie news

Ordior is protecting the rights of the catalogue of the amazingly talented Tekno! This visionary African artist has featured on one of Beyoncé's albums along with

Check this out, entertainment legend Barry Crocker's got a classic for all you Aussie fans out there! "One Eyed Trouser Snake" is a hilarious vin...

Attention, feeble humans! Your culture can now rejoice the covering of your exposed, soft flesh with our collection of cloth bindings and synthetic fabrics, as well as our memorabilia and trinkets.

You've cried out many a time, wanting Down3r merch to once again be available for sale! When will we be able to wear our appreciation for our favourite hip hop artist on our bodies? When will come the day that we can roll with the kind of true s...

Byron Bay has some sweet trance and electro music pumping out of it lately! Where's this coming from? It could only be the work of the madlad himself, Dean Sutton! And for his fans in Australia and the rest of the world, we have a treat for you....

Tony Hatch started notching up successes as a songwriter in the early ’60s, including Garry Mills’ “Look for a Star.” His most significant rol...

By now, this album is probably a familiar sight, to those of you who have been following our updates! And it may just be a familiar sound to those of you who follow the radio! You may have heard his tracks playing in stores or gyms, or perh...

OJB Jezreel. An influence on young kids, up-and-coming artists, and music lovers of all shapes and sizes... an artist who will be sadly missed. In 20...

You may have heard about the relaxing style of Dale Nougher's music as the Chillmaster before. A lot of his stuff is electron...

To all fellow fans of the Danfo Drivers - we regret to announce that Mad Melon has died from an undisclosed illness.  The

Yeah, it's that time again. From 30k t...

The Naked Truth band has been named the WINNER of

Keen fans of Suzanna's Instagram recently may have noticed a flyer floating around!   If you were lucky enough to be in Angola on the 19th o...

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