Back during the BLM protests of June 2020, What If saw a huge boost in popularity. It makes sense, given the s...
Last year was the ten year anniversary of Dealing With Destiny, an independent Australian film that spent a year in production in ...
Have you ever been curious about how Down3r made his most popular song? Many other people have been wondering too. Or maybe you already know how! A while back, this video came from Mr Suga Boom Boom himself, giving us some insight into this e...
Fans of Barry Crocker, fans of
You may remember Kindness Of Strangers, the hit track from Oohlala that Key Loc...
Originally, there was going to be a big performance on Down3r's birthday party. But after being pushed back, new plans were made... and now, it's time for THE AFTER PARTY!
Maxwell Udoh was one of the best things to come out of Nigerian music culture in the the 80s and 90s. Born on the 29th of August 1959 and passed away on the 18th of December 2014, his 55 years on earth were a memorable time that resulted in many...
This season of Global Music Awards has officially concluded, and results have been released. We have some exciting news... Key Loch's debut track Where Is The Love has successfully taken home the bronze in two different categories, those being S...
Some spicy new surprises are now online, and ready for your perusal on the Planet Blue Pictures Youtube channel:
2021 had some juicy hits from DL Down3r and Uno Tha Prodigy! When these two team up, some really spicy stuff is the result. Who can forget the awesome tracks
Happy New Year! We've finished up our holiday break, and now we're back to give you the latest news ...
Another year has gone by. It doesn't seem as though it's been that long since the last one. We've seen all ...
Houghton Hughes is the manager of the label The Music Factory, and his dream is similar to that of our own - to distribute great music the world over. Much of The Music Factory's music existed only in physical media, but this holiday season, we ...
Ray Vanderby has often been the subject of a few of our raves in the past, as we love the man's music ...