Georgia born SLO is making a BIG noise stateside with his 2 latest singles "Um Winnin'" and "I Got Dat". SLO is a well connected Rap artist and you will be hearing a lot more of him over the next few months. Check them out at his MySpace.
Since ruling the overall and rock charts the bLEED have already offered a top spot at a BIG BIG named show later this year (shhhh! announced shortly) with around 10,000 punters expected over six stages with some huge names on the bill. Check out...
A world wide music seminar that you attend from anywhere you choose as long as you can get on-line ! You don't have to believe me, just look at the site ! And there are some gret industry leaders whom will be speaking. Welcome to WEBINAR 2008!
Pete Hawkes has again been short listed for the Musicoz Awards this year, see his profile at Musicoz. SMS the code pete and then a brief reason why you think he should win (in 10 words or less) e.g.: "pete is the man with the finger pickin' skil...
Blue Pie is now and official GEOTRUST partner. The My Blue Pie Music store and all the new Blue Vault Digital stores all carry the Geotrust certification. You can now be assured that all our transactions are now certified and encrypted by Geotru...
The Northern suburbs of Sydney were in for a treat this week when Blue Pie's 'The Wolfman' was interviewed and played his music for 2 hours on Triple H FM. Listeners who are familiar with Sally's show 'The Conundrum' will know that there is alwa...
Blue Pie are pleased to announce the latest addition to the Business Development and A&R team Marc-Henri Ahoua in Germany. Marc-Henri is bringing some fantastic new European acts to the label, his background in business and over 30 years per...
For an awesome evening of music and entertainment at the gorgeous Sahnia Bar, join Justin Ossher and his band, together with Anthony McKeon, DJ Badger, Steel Skin and Wood and Sniffer Dogs - This Saturday, June 28th from 7.00pm at Sahnia Restaur...
Is a multi-dimensional goddess in Hindu Legend, worshipped by millions... if this Shakti is anything to go by we can see why! She sings a sensual mix of blues, jazz but still holding on to her heritage. Check her myspace.
Bozena was born in Katowice, Poland her albums rejoice in humanity and in life. They are a celebration of love and aim to encourage, inspire and empower their listeners. For more about this Eastern European Maestro and to listen to her work on h...
Sydney's favourite Drum N' Bass rinseout crew have jumped on the Blue Pie books! This 6 piece 100% live fusion act are something else to see live! They've graced many a stage including Fuzzy's favourite festival Parklife and the Big Day Out. 200...
Alexander V.Mogilco is a Russian composer, arranger and musician, he works in music style called New Age. Every song he makes is a beautiful story from the past of human beings with gorgeous east-west-north-south influences. This music definitel...
We are pleased to announce that Blue Pie have licenced the Orchard catalogue through their Australasian partner AmpHead Music to commercialise the catalogue across a number of white label retail stores. The full press release is here.
Jord Allen has a started his flight to success. Receiving some great reviews and coverage for his optimistic and peaceful manner, clearly reflected in his music.