The Yeehaa Boys new website has been propelling the boys to new heights! With all the latest news, photos and music from the lads as they kick up their boots and get the Country air waves around Australia alive with their infectious sounds. Thei...
The new Jord Allen website is due to go live this coming week. Jord gave it his all clear when he dropped by last week(pictured with our very own Mr. AJ The Web Wonder!). Still creating a solid buzz out on the road, as well as in the studio wher...
Great Southern FM 90.1 have added The Yeehaa Boys to rotation around South Australia, Robb Tilmouth contacting the Pie directly to give us the big thumbs up! Why not tune in to 90.1FM in the Victor Harbor area and request a few boot scootin' tun...
Trio Caliente are a mix of Celtic, Bossa Nova, Flamenco with a little Gypsy Rhumba thrown in, they have recorded an interview with renowned Celtic Music Fanbase website 'No Celtic Boundaries' this interview sits among some of the world greats li...
Purplesmokehousemusick label are taking the 'Fast Lane' by Tuan-G to the legendary Hard Rock Cafe in Atlanta on 24th October. A live performance by the guys will give the Atlanta locals a reason to shake-a-tail-feather and see why the label's po...
Blue Pie have finally out grown their offices at St.Leonards & Randwick and have descended on the suburb of Alexandria for a bit more 'leg room'. Our new offices are a lovely split level affair with state-of-the-art communications, a nice bi...
Next month sees the arrival of Blue Pie's Kama Linden to our shores. Kama is a Brooklyn based musician, a gutsy lyricist who will catch you with her edgy voice. Keeping the torches of Pat Benatar and Patty Smyth alive but with a sound that is un...
Ooh la la have a new single out "No Future Plans". Now available for download from all leading digital retailers.
The Yeehaa Boys get a new website thanks to a new HOT SHOT with in the pie team.... which we're very proud of. Check it out here baby - Yeeeeehhhhaaaaa !
The 2BOBFM station can not stop playing the album. Check out the station and tune into some home grown good old country music.
Macquarie University are having their annual Conception Day Festival on 19th September. This year sees the bLEED sharing the lights with some of Australia's finest acts including Grinspoon, Butterfingers & Art Vs Science among the swarms of ...
The “Whole Lotta Love†Led Zeppelin Show is on at The Basement on Fri 19 and Sat 20 September. Mr Simon Meli, the Oohlala front man will be performing as the voice of the show which is white hot! You will not get a better front man i...
Melborne radio station PBS have added Jord Allen on rotation to their Culture Clash show! Check out their website and request Jord's songs on the music requests panel on the left side. You can tune into PBS on 106.7 FM in the Melbourne area. Blu...
The Yeehaa Boys have jumped into the National Country Charts at No#.28! Don't forget to keep voting for the boys on the CMC website by requesting 'Knocking Boots', just follow the links on the home page! Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!