blue pie news

Eleven Dollars secure a placement in the new film " After School Special ". This is a great win for the band. You can check the films unofficial trailer on YOU TUBE by clicking here. The b...

Dave Sharp hits the top 40 Global Village best new releases for 2010 and comes in a No 16. Congrats to you Dave and the Secret 7 from all from Blue Pie. You can get all the latest news on Dave Sharp by visiting his website at 

  You can get ready for one amazing new book that will be released this year from one of the greatest entertainers that this country has produced. With a career that spans 7 decades. Yes that's right 7 decades you will be excited to ...

The Twitch’s latest song, “Freak Flag” is finally finished! Check it out on myspace - link below. The video for the song, “Freak Flag” is also in production, hopefully it will be on Youtube before the year is over, stay tuned for all y...

The Twitch are rehearsing, working on new songs and are heading to the studio, end of Feb., beginning of March to record a new song. The Twitch are also beginning productions on their next video, on their next upcoming new song, “Celebration...

Get the Twicth YOU LOVE. The Twitch has 2 new videos on Youtube - check them out below -- Their latest single, “Freak Flag” +  Their live performanc...

Dave Sharp cranks up the radio love to warp 10. PRESS RELEASE 1/05/2011 SECRET SEVEN MAKES THE JAZZ TIMES MAGAZINE 2010 Critics Poll Check out:

The WRSP936.COM Family wants to welcome Mr. Henry Turner Jr. & Flavor to their audiences all across the USA. If you haven't heard Mr. Turner's radio show then you are all in for quite a treat. Henry is a very gifted, and talented musician...

  Greetings All! 2010 was a great year for Secret Seven, and I want to formally thank you for your support! We experienced some great live performances

Raised in North Carolina and recently signed to Blue Pie, Klassified aka Tipsytwist grew up exposed to everything street. Check out Klassified's new video for his awesome track "Too Gone".

The world needs "Super Bazza" like never before. Check out this great shot of Bazza in his super man costume. For all the latest news on when "Super Bazza" will be appearing again check back to this site regularly. For all the latest news on Baz...

The JP Ranger Band are back in the studio and the band is a-buzz with new songs. They've started to record their new tracks. The new album promises to take off from where their last CD 'Living Here' left off and will present a wide variety of Am...

  Terry Nails and Bone Angel sign an exclusive publishing and distribution agreement with Blue Pie for the world. As part of the agreement the Blue Pie Publishing Team in the USA will be administering and collecting all rights for Terry o...

EcoEarth TV + and their Production Company BelowH2o sign a world wide distribution agreement with Blue Pie Productions USA to distribute their catalogue...

  Reality Entertainment and Blue Pie get the Film Distribution love flowing to the max with Reality Entertainment expanding their catalogue of films by another 80+ titles for the Blue Pie team to distribute, syndicate and seek out commerci...

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