blue pie news

The Rudies front man Saint Jerrod made a guest appearance on online radio hub ‘Swoop’s World Primetime’ yesterday, giving fans and listeners a small glimpse into the world of being in a band. Blending the styles of reggae, punk and ska ...

We’ve all heard over and over again about how bad eating excessive amounts of McDonalds is for you. Klassified’s “ The Big Mac Song” on the other hand might just have the ability to sate those naughty cravings we all have from time to ti...

Time for our weekly update on The Twitch! The band have just begun their official US tour and we have all of the details! So if you are a local, a visitor or just in the area, be sure to check out a gig, you will not be disappointed. You c...

Craig Fraser is one of our favorite artists here at Blue Pie. His talent lies especially within writing his own music and lyrics that are perfectly attuned to his life experiences. His lyrics in particular, have been known to flow so transcenden...

We are excited to announce that Blue Pie will be assisting DJ Central with the licensing for film, television and cable networks. DJ Central will be hosting the new DJ Music show that Blue Pie Productions is set to produce. We are very excite...

Suzanna Lubrano’s hot new song and video clip called “Tardi di Mas” is out now on Blue Pie Records and Electrik Blue Records for the world ....AND the track is now available on iTunes for the world.

Our favourite Latin powerhouse in on her 29th week of the FunX Latin Top 30 charts with her video clip for "Tardi di Mas" Suzanna is placed at number two this round, but has reached number one in previous weeks. Blue Pie would like to congrat...

Australians will soon have unlimited, on-demand access to a vast catalog of music, streamed to their mobile, tablet, computer or net-connected TV after Telstra today announced an exclusive partnership with award-winning subscription music servic...

Three of our artists have been climbing the Social Media ladder in the past weeks and are officially blowing up on Facebook! Eleven Dollars, Benjamin Hyatt and Burning the Day have fans worldwide who are spending hours posting, liking and sha...

BLKRAW has signed up with the 6 month old service It is the only service that allows a interactive live experience between artist and fans during a performance. It isn't necessarily just about broadcasting concerts online though. I...

The team at Blue Pie are proud to announce our involvement with Gravity Stars. Gravity Stars events incorporate death defying sports and world class music, providing edge of your seat entertainment. Gravity Stars are boutique entertainment b...

Suzanna Lubrano’s hot new song and video clip called “Tardi di Mas” is out now on Blue Pie Records and Electrik Blue Records for the world !   Suzanna Lubrano has been extremely busy working on the launch of her eight solo-album...

For all of you fans of The Twitch, we have a few updates on your favourite rock band. The Twitch is continuing to receive a massive amount of radio play; they’ve been heard all of the world such as in the US, Germany, Venezuela, Japan, England...

Psychedelic rock group, The Twitch have signed with A & R Management from LA, California. From Vancouver, Canada, The Twitch have been heavily influenced by the rock music of the 60s and 70s, following the musical genius of artists such as ...

Blue Pie artist Barry Crocker has been very busy this year working on various projects! He's mainly been working on a new TV series called The Strange Calls which will be aired sometime in October on the ABC. The Strange Calls is a comedy series...

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