
Blurring the lines of metal, rock and pop, Freakhouse's hybrid vision is poised to capture the ear of the modern rock world. Formed in the late 90's...more

The members of Konqistador are a unit of visionaries; collectively bold and adventurous. Their supporters throughout the world are equally brave and strong in spirit. Konqistador deliver...more

“The Baby Animals” are a modern rock band that scored their first gig at the infamous Kardomah Café in Sydney in the late 80’s and continued their...more

Azumuth is a hard rock/alternative metal band started in 2007 by singer/songwriter Aidan Dickens. Aidan’s unique vocal and song writing style reflects a varied listening background, from...more

The Naked Truth is an Atlanta, Georgia based quartet originating in the local hardcore scene in 1988, although the individual band members arrived from far afield: vocalist...more

Burning The Day is a thrash/metal/heavy metal band from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The band formed in 2004 by three friends whose bands had just ended, leaving Matt...more

A Band Called Pain (ABCP) is an American heavy metal band from Oakland, California. Cousins Allen Richardson (also known as Allen Anthony of the Roc-A-Fella Records R&B...more

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