Danny Saber, born in 1966, is a multi-talented musician, audio engineer, record producer, and renowned remixer based in Los Angeles, California. With a career spanning decades, Danny...more
Dave Evans originally arrived in Australia from Carmarthen Wales, aged five, and settled in North Queensland with his family. After forming his first band “In Session” in...more
Blurring the lines of metal, rock and pop, Freakhouse's hybrid vision is poised to capture the ear of the modern rock world. Formed in the late 90's...more
The members of Konqistador are a unit of visionaries; collectively bold and adventurous. Their supporters throughout the world are equally brave and strong in spirit. Konqistador deliver...more
Often overlooked in the evolutionary process of what would come to be known as neo-classical heavy metal, Sweden’s Silver Mountain are one of the great Scandinavian cult...more
“The Baby Animals” are a modern rock band that scored their first gig at the infamous Kardomah Café in Sydney in the late 80’s and continued their...more