
Welcome to the Blue Pie charity section of our website. Blue Pie and our partner companies are proud to support the following charities. If you would like to know more about how Blue Pie and our partners and how we provide support for charity then please email:

Blue Pie Records want to take the time today to thank the Guide Dogs Australia organisation for all they do. The sheer amount of devotion and passion that goes into training these majestic animals to support us is astounding, and the dogs themselves are clever beyond measure! Did you know that if a Guide Dog approaches you alone, something has happened to their owner and you should follow them to provide assistance? Every little detail has been thought of, and it’s with this level of devotion that we can be assured that those who use Guide Dogs are in the best hands… or paws… possible. Blue Pie are regular donators to this amazing service, as a matter of fact, and we feel that they deserve every bit of it. This Christmas, consider asking people you don’t know what gift to get if they want you to donate to this wonderful organisation on their behalf! This season is all about giving, so it’s critical that charities like this are considered.

From the Guide Dogs About Us page, here’s a summary of what the organisation is all about:


Guide Dogs NSW/ACT is the leading provider of Guide Dogs and orientation and mobility services that enable people with low vision or blindness to get around their communities safely and independently.

Each year our highly trained Orientation and Mobility specialists work with around 4,000 people of all ages to help them achieve their mobility goals.

We rely heavily on generous donations from the people of NSW and the ACT to fund our services. Less than 10% of our income comes from government funding, including NDIS.

Guide Dogs NSW/ACT is a Registered Provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

As well as connecting participants to support providers, we can help NDIS participants with the co-ordination of supports on their individual plans.


Dig deep for the Guide Dogs – dogs sure love to dig, after all! Join us as regular donators and know that you’re supporting an organisation that truly deserves all the love they can get – as much love as a dog has for their owner.

Click here for the Guide Dogs Australia website!

Blue Pie Records donates part of their profits each year to World Vision. Since we started with World Vision in 1996, we have been able to donate over $30,000 AUD with regular monthly payments and additional top up payments. You can see the World Vision Tax Statements below.

Most of the funds are directed towards aid in Africa, providing clean water for communities who would otherwise get sick from dysentery and have a much shorter life expectancy.

For a few dollars each week you can make a lifetime of difference.

Click on any of the links below to view the thank you letters from World Vision.

BPP – World Vision – Thank You Letter v210709
BPP – World Vision – Thank You Letter v300511

Click on any of the links below to view our donation reports for the noted year.

BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2002-2003
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2003-2004

BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2004-2005

BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2005-2006
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2006-2007
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2007-2008
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2008-2009
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2009-2010
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2010-2011
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2011-2012 – Part A
BPP – World Vision Tax Statement 2011-2012 – Part B


The Hurricane Healing initiative was established in 2005, with the vision to help all victims of the Hurricane Katrina disaster that same year.

Since then, Hurricane Healing has grown to give a helping hand to all victims worldwide who have been affected by natural disasters. We have been steadily building this initiative to combine music with charity!

Over the past few years, we have been producing physical CD compilation albums and digital compilations thanks to the support of over 150 indie artists and 20 + indie record labels from around the world that send us music.

All of the Hurricane Healing compilation albums are available through iTunes, eMusic, Rhapsody and many more online retailers. To find our compilations, simply search for “Hurricane Healing” as the album title, and you will find it there!

Donation Report – January 2017
We are very pleased to advise we have been able to make another payment to the Salvation Army today for $338.83 USD.

This now takes the total donations we have been able to raise to $1485.56.

You can visit the website and then see all the donations made there. If you would like to know more or want to help and donate to the Salvation Army then please feel free to reach out to contact in California.

The Hurricane Healing Team – Music That Heals

Deborah Knutson
Public & Corporate Relations Director, USA Western Territory
The Salvation Army – DOING THE MOST GOOD
180 E. Ocean Boulevard | Long Beach, CA 90802
562.491.8351 – p | 310.753.7578 – c | 562.491.8551 – f
visit us at

The Blue Pie Records Media Team and Planet Blue Pictures teamed up for the launch of the film “The Argues The Movie”.

The campaign was very successful and secured an official quote from the then primer minister Julia Gillard:

“The Adopt A Pensioner program and the initiative created by Blue Pie Records and Barry Crocker to allow pensioners to the see the new “Argues” movie is a fantastic program. Congratulations to Barry and all the team”
Julia Gillard
Prime Minister | Australia 

The campaign included National TVC Commercials on selected community networks and Channel 7. The program was all about adopting a pensioner and taking them to the movie for free. We partnered with Channel 7 to launch the film with Hoyts. Barry Crocker was the spokesperson for this campaign.

Channel 7 featured a story on Today Tonight announcing the marketing campaign. Every pensioner in Australia was able go to the cinema with anyone that “Adopts A Pensioner” for the day. The pensioners go to the movie for free.


THE ARGUES THE MOVIE is a story of how a son, a mother, and a duck named Leon Skank assault the Hollywood star system in an attempt to secure work through one of the biggest international actors’ agents in the world, Ed Tomato at ICU Management Los Angeles.

However, things don’t go so well!

The ramifications of their approach to secure Ed as an agent result in a chase around the world…and the World Wide Web after “Skanky” David’s puppet duck becomes the talk of the town.

This is a story of remembrance, rehabilitation and outrageous situations that offer a bizarre insight into the world of showbiz and the struggles of an out of work actor.

ARGUEably a funny, mad and eccentric trip!

The Film Credits Are Amazing !!
PRODUCER: Leyla Aziz
PRODUCER: William Mozer
PRODUCER: David Hannay
STARRING: David Argue and Patricia Argue
CAST: Steven Tandy as Ed Tomato
CO-STARRING: Stuart Thompson; Rosslyn Abernethy; Chris Fair; Nat Russell; John Rogers; Kim Hoffman
ADDITIONAL CAST: Monette Lee; Jodey Paull; Clair Buchholz; Jesse Scouller
CO-PRODUCER: Frank Caridi
CO-PRODUCER: Gary Tansley
WRITTEN BY: David Argue; Patricia Argue; Stuart Thompson; Steven Tandy; Mark Hembrow
ORIGINAL CONCEPT: Mark Hembrow; Leyla Aziz; William Mozer

Official Links:
Adopt-A-Pensioner Website
Today Tonight’s story on Adopt-A-Pensioner
Argues The Movie

Blue Pie Records has supported the 46664 foundation for the past 13 years and counting.

The project is an initiative from Blue Pie Productions, Crush Management, Rusty Anderson, Dino Jag and the artists that performed on this great song “Hurt Myself – The Remix”. Artists include: Abe Laboriel Jr, David Kahne, Probin Gregory, Brian Ray, Paul Wickens and Sir Paul McCartney.

The project is all about helping those affected with AIDS and the families of the affected, living with aids. The main effort is in South Africa through the 46664 foundation.

We have all united to help generate sales of this great song so that we can send cash donations to the 46664 foundation and help those that need help the most. This is our way, all the performers and the many companies that are supporting the project to help to make a difference.

You can help by simply downloading this song and getting as many people as you can to download the song.

Proceeds from the sale of this song worldwide will go directly to the 46664 foundation. This includes the ringtones, video clip, all digital downloads and all compilation CD’s that the song is licensed to and any advertising revenue we generate.

We hope that you will help to support this great cause and enjoy the music for the great new “Hurt Myself ” track.

Thank you from all the crew at Blue Pie, Rusty Anderson, Crush Management, Dino Jag and the many artists that have gathered to support the 46664 foundation. 

You can listen to Damien interviewing Rusty Anderson and of course the great re-mix of Hurtmyself that Dino Jag and Damien completed.

Check out the Hurt Myself website and download the song. Just by downloading the song you are helping those that need it the most and you get some great music at the same time.

Crush Management Letter of Support for “Hurt Myself”:
Nelson Mandella Charity Letter

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